全程不停顿不剪辑,一体到位,直播M是一个密闭空间极度恐惧者,它接受了寒夕半个小时的家具座椅控制,同时 抠·掐·挠·捏·拧·,当被夹在性感臀部下,表面让人羡慕不已,但一个真正优秀会玩的女孩,懂得让它们如何恐惧绝望,你挣扎到快死,我也不会让你呼一口气,你的每一口呼吸,需要看我心情,如果我累了,不想动,那你就吊着那最后一口气,但与此同时,我还会让你的身体承受其他痛苦,因为这样才超级爽,这就是寒夕内心独白,当快最后快绝望时,放出空气让你呼吸,对生命渴望 导致用鼻子大口呼吸氧气,此时寒夕把穿到发白的原味黑袜子放到鼻子上,好会玩,又太邪恶。全程下来后,直播M 高程度脑缺氧,它的头下面沙发上湿湿的一片特别吓人,挣扎恐惧缺氧和疼痛,导致它出了像泼水似的大量的汗, 特喜欢 家具化 坐脸 控制 原味袜 裸足 强迫羞辱的同好们,绝对顶级作品,不解释
The whole process was without pause or editing, and was all in place. The live broadcast M was a person with extreme fear of confined spaces. It accepted Han Xi’s furniture seat control for half an hour, and at the same time, it was picked, pinched, scratched, pinched, and twisted. When it was clamped under the sexy buttocks, it seemed enviable on the surface, but a truly excellent and playful girl knows how to make them fear and despair. You struggle to death, and I will not let you breathe. Every breath you take depends on my mood. If I am tired and don’t want to move, then you will hang on to that last breath, but at the same time, I will let your body bear other pains, because this is super cool. This is Han Xi’s inner monologue. When it is almost the end and about to be desperate, I let the air out for you to breathe. The desire for life leads to breathing oxygen through your nose. At this time, Han Xi puts the original black socks that have been worn to white on her nose. She is so playful and so evil. After the whole process, the live broadcast M had a high degree of brain hypoxia. The sofa under its head was wet and particularly scary. It struggled with fear of hypoxia and pain, causing it to sweat a lot like pouring water. I especially like furniture, face-sitting, control, original socks, bare feet, forced humiliation, absolutely top-notch work, no explanation
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